Sunday, May 20, 2012

True Love! Who said it's tough to define?

"Selfless good deed"

Always sounds confusing and contradictory. There was a an episode in famous TV show FRIENDS with very funny scenes with characters Phoebe and Joey about this topic. The episode ends up giving feeling that there is no thing such as selfless good deed in this world ever.

So, If there is no "selfless good deed" then there is no "true love" or unconditional love. Even true love is always contradictory. May be we never encountered a true love ever in our life. May be we have encountered it but we might have not noticed it or we might have not understood it.

One or the other way everybody in the world always in search of "true love" all our life. We always dream for wife/husband with "true love", that is because wife/husband is the one with whom we are going to spend major part of our future.


Materialistic Choice 1 (Sex)
If you want to have better sex life with your partner for longer time,
Then marry an athlete. You may have best possible sex life. You will know it when you observe and try their training and game.

Materialistic Choice 2 (Money)
If you want to spend your life without any financial problems ever,
Then marry a soldier. Because no country ever lives without army.

Materialistic Choice 3 (Romance)

If you want to spend your life with someone who is so romantic and lovable,
Then it is difficult. But here is how to find one such. He/she must be the one who loves his/her parents. If not you can not expect romance and love when you become old. He/she must be good looking, health conscious to maintain youth and beauty for long time, must be very rich without bad habits and so on... 

Immaterial Choice 1 (Peace and Happiness)
If you want to spend your rest of life with peace and happiness,
Then marry a person who is spiritually inclined and confident person with strong belief on "Karma Yoga". Because they will be strong in all tough situations. They will not be demanding and will be forgiving. They will be having less of five evil human emotions lust, rage, greed, attachment, ego. They will be responsible and caring as they believe in Karma.

Immaterial Choice 2 (Caring)
If you want to have lot of caring person for the rest of your life (even when you are very old),
Then marry a person who loves his/her parents so much. Because one can not expect anything from their old parents.

Immaterial Choice 3 (Unconditional Love)

If you want to spend your life with someone who can give unconditional love,
Then marry a vegan who choose to be vegan for saving animals from cruelty and for saving environment and not mainly for health or fitness reasons. You should to know the reason why.

Love for their own parents might not be totally selfless all the times, because that love can also be seen as  thanking their parents and deed of returning the favor for all the life and love that they have received since the birth. 
Love for the planet earth is great too. There might be tiny little selfishness to care for their OWN mother earth and can also be the responsibility of returning the favor that the nature has given us.
Love for the animals is really unconditional love. Going vegan is will surely be saving the animals from cruelty. They have never had taken any favor and can never expect any favor from those animals, In-fact they have never even seen them. Why is it not a selfless good deed?
The vegan and environmental activists are even more noble souls.
Some times they might face the embarrassment and or humiliation from the public. They have to sacrifice their personal interests. They might have to face the aggression from the consumers, business people and politicians. After all the trouble they can never expect in return for what they are doing. Can they?

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