Saturday, May 19, 2012

When a question sounded really wise and turned out to be stupid

A comment really made me laugh few days back.

There was a news article with title "China to Approve Non-Animal Cosmetics Test"
There was one negative comment over this news from a reader. His comment is
"Animals suffer all the time in the wild, there is no need to try to play god and stop it all. humanity angers me with its ignorance."


Hello Mr. "thisGuy", thanks you made me laugh a lot today.

  • You are saying we can suffer the animals since they are all the time suffered in the wild!!!
  • Women are dominated by men badly and treated as slaved and/or toys in some countries all the time 
  • Kids are abused and are turned into terrorists in some countries all the time
  • Approx 1,369 rapes are committed every day in South Africa all the time

So, according to your logic, is it OK to adopt these cultures as well???????????????????????????????

** In US Approximately 19,011 land animals are killed insanely for meat eating not for every year, not for every month, not for every day, it is for EVERY MINUTE. It is just in United States. Imagine the number in entire world. It is just land animals imagine the number including marine animals all around the world.

Watch this video COMPLETELY to see how far our psychology is correct

Before coming to conclusion please watch complete video and see what they are saying. 

-> You are saying PETA and Vegans trying to play GOD??? We are only trying to be humane and requesting everybody to be humane.

Whatever our argument are meant to be, I'm trying to stop killing someone you are trying to contribute killing someone. See below video and tell me that humans can be called humane or not.

I might sound like an enemy for you but not for me. For me you just remind myself in past just ignorant of some fact.
-> "Humanity angers you with ignorance" spare sometime with patience and see the facts. Stop being narrow minded for a while and open your ears and eyes for a while and get to know where is the ignorance. 
I have been ignorant like all the non-vegans till I get to know these facts.

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