Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Americal Idol Precocious

Judges of American Idol has plenty of sugar for Kalamazoo's Matt Giraud on Old Opry theme night. Marr turned in a big, powerful version of Carrie Underwood's ballad "So Small." Kara says

"Your heart pours on that piano...", Paula Abdul says "The honesty you bring is unparalleled...". Cowell said his performance is terrific and added "You are one of the underrated singers in this competition.." .

Below are the updates on the top performers

Kris Allen: Paula said even without Guitar, Kris's performance of a Garth Brooks ballad was honest, pure, vulnerable. Guest mentor Randy Travis praised Kris' strength as a ballad singer too...

Anoop DeSai: After a wobbly performance last week, Anoop stepped it up. "You went from zero to hero," said Simon, waxing poetic.

Alison Iraheta: Kars said every week performance is getting better... and asked to just keep getting better and better. Simon liked Alison's rock-edged country tune, but said it was like verging on the precocious...

Danny Gokey: Danny started out slow and pitchy on "Jesus Take the Wheel". "Danny has a soulfulness we who do this for a living all wish we had," said an impressed Randy Travis. Simon sniped at his preppy white jacket; This from a guy who wears undershirts every week.

Megan Corkrey: Despite having visited the hospital, Megan brought her rocky, bluesy, country kind of Megan thing" to "Walking After Midnight," and it really worked like a charm.

Adam Lambert: It was a love it or hate it kind of thing for Adam's bizarre yet creative, sitar-infused spin on Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire." "That had a 'Cashmere' (by) Led Zeppelin vibe," Paula offered, and she was totally right. Simon said that was indulgent rubbish.

Lil Rounds:She was way out of her R&B comfort zone, where it showed in her misfired performance of "Independence Day." Simon, used his regular criticism by comparing it as one of wedding singer forced to take requests.

Scott MacIntyre: Scott's "Wild Angels" was well done, but that fact was obliterated by Simon and Paula's bickering over whether Scott, blind from birth, should be using a piano as a crutch. I'm with Simon -- you'd never ask Stevie Wonder to sing without his ivories at his fingertips.

Alexis Grace: After Alexis's "Jolene," Kara wanted "angst," Paula wanted "dirty" and Simon wanted her not to sound like Dolly Parton. Poor Alexis couldn't win.

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