Monday, May 28, 2012

Activist but Not a Vegan???

“As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace.

For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other.

Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love.”

Pythagoras (570 -495 B.C.)

For us humane-beings who believe we care about our environment, nonhuman and human animal rights, and promote Peace on Earth that are not yet Vegan — clearly our cognitive dissonance is unconsciously rearranging the recycled deck chairs on our Titanic!  
Cognitive dissonance (CD): The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, esp. as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

Our Human-Centric CD
We humans excel at denying that we have inconsistent thoughts (conflicting beliefs) by minimizing the importance of the conflicting belief that is most disruptive: fears of being different, inconvenienced, and/or isolation from our herd. Our most glaring example is that we live in a meat and dairy (MAD) consuming world, and yet claim to love nonhuman animals!? Clearly, for the majority of our herd, we do not love all nonhuman animals. We tend to love the ones that we feel (believe) are attractive or endearing in some way; especially those who love us back!  Human rights and peace activist know this phenomenon well — we do this with human animals also; especially when we want something from them!

For environmentalist; those who have been paying even the slightest bit of attention for the last few decades, the current data is overwhelmingly obvious — beyond our CD of course — that if we are not Vegan, we are participating in destroying our planet at a level that exceeds all forms of transportation (planes, trains, cars, ships, etc.).   Driving a hybrid car and changing light-bulbs (now known to contain mercury resulting in greater environmental destruction than previously existing bulbs) has been nothing more than eco-green-consumer hype at its most shameless!
MAD consumption produces over 50% of “the most destructive” greenhouse gases (methane, nitrous oxide), uses (abuses) 70% of BLM land in the U.S., and since the 1970′s has been responsible for up to 90% of rainforest deforestation. Nonhuman animal consumption consumes up to 70% of our world’s agricultural land: on average a nonhuman animal-based diet uses 7 times more land than a plant-based diet. Waste pollution: The USDA estimates that nonhuman animal farming produces 335 million tons of  toxic “dry matter” per year in the U.S., and one dairy farm with 2,500 cows produces as much waste as a city with approximately 411,000 residents. Also, as any aware environmentalist knows, the devastating ecological effects of our erroneous consumption (we are herbivores) of other beings is accelerating relative to our population growth!

Over 40,000 humans die of starvation everyday on our planet, and the major cause is MAD consumption by CD ridden human herbivores! Untold millions are displaced from their lands by global MAD production so “a few” may unconsciously consume their erroneous omnivorous diet: 1 acre of land can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes or 250 pounds of meat (sentient being). MAD diet versus vegan diet: MAD consumption wastes up to 14-18 times more land, 12-16 times more water, and 17 times more energy than a Vegan diet. Obviously if our human “herd” ate its natural plant-based diet, we would dramatically decrease — if not eliminate — our “needless” worldwide starvation and malnutrition deaths (populicide)!

For any feminist that cannot see through the MAD hype of consuming another mother’s milk and feeding on her children’s flesh, or cannot empathize with her pain and grief concerning the loss of her children, enslavement, exploitation, and repeated rapes until her murder, must be suffering greatly from CD.  If we cannot feel for these beings, then maybe for the human mothers and children who are displaced from their lands to grow crops for nonhuman beings that we insist on consuming to satiate our erroneous “desire” for MAD.
Let us not placate our CD with stories of “happy meat and dairy” delusions; these females and their children are every bit as sentient and deserving of liberation as humans. To continue to finance their enslavement and exploitation through industries that liberated females and their consumer dollars have created (women represent 70+ percent of the consumer dollar spent in most developed nations) would be an even greater abomination — if possible — because “NOW” we know what liberation is, and is not; none are truly free until all are free!

Eco-Green Consumer?
For the unaware eco-consumer who has been greenwashed by the psuedo-eco-industries that want to sell us recycled deck chairs, please consider a few facts beyond the eco-green-hybrid-hype.  Your cow, chicken, pig, lamb, fish, and dairy eating diet is equivalent to running your shower — with or without your water-saving-shower-head — 24/7 365 days a year!
Water consumption = Per-Day!
Meat-Centered Diet = 4,000 gallons of water
Vegetarian = 1,200 gallons of water
Vegan = 300 gallons of water
2,500 gallons of water yields – 100 pounds of potatoes, 50 pounds of fruit or 1 pound of meat (sentient being).
The energy wasted for MAD consumption is 15 times greater than growing our natural diet and eating our plant crops directly.  It takes up to 22 pounds of wheat, soy, grain, corn, etc., to produce 1 pound of sentient being.  Being that “consumer demands” supply; for the future of our planet it is imperative that we are CD free consumers!

Animal Lover/Activist?
As an animal lover and/or activist the CD phenomenon is especially obvious concerning saving one while enslaving, exploiting, killing and consuming other. If you are an activist for wildlife then please consider the following: “Wildlife Services, a branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, was a major force in eliminating wolf and grizzly bear populations in the continental United States. Today, the program spends over $100 million annually to kill more than one million animals.” -NRDC. This is just one scenario of the many devastating wildlife mass murders committed in the name of MAD consumption.
For those who focus primarily on loving dogs and cats–who are forcibly and unnaturally bred and separated from their families for our companionship–then clearly the need for nonhuman animal companionship is greater than our compassion and advocacy for the lives of all sentient beings. If the focus is rescuing those who are no longer “fulfilling human-centric desires”–while the efforts are admirable–the reality is somewhat futile if still consuming others; saving dogs and cats while consuming cows and chickens is CD on a level that only generations of MAD marketing can breed!

Peace Activist?
“As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields.” -Leo Tolstoy

Chronic Cognitive Disorder!
Clearly, human-beings’ greatest cognitive disorder has been the need to convince (delude) ourselves that we are logical, compassionate, and thoughtful beings. While we are certainly “full of thought”, our planet and ALL her sentient beings’ future, are dependent upon our thoughtful (logical) “actions”. These actions can only be found in our ability to confront our inconsistent beliefs (MAD consumption) with facts (Plant-Based Diet), and only then can we call ourselves humane-beings.

Please note beyond the statistics: Vegan Streams always assumes that healthy and informed humans are acutely aware that to enslave and/or exploit ANY sentient being, for any reason, is the most grievous act against all humane-kind!


Everybody is stupid certain times but, but it costs way too much more than life

Certain times we lack basic knowledge on certain important things such as things that we consume. If we don't have basic knowledge on such things it does sound very funny, unfortunately it is not actually funny. It is dangerous for our life, society and environment its lot costlier than life.

I heard few dumb statements or questions during casual discussions with few of my colleagues and friends who are superior to me in one or more ways in terms of qualification (post graduation or more than that), designation (project managers etc), skill set (making them earn from $ 65,000 to $1,50,000), hard work (certain times 12 hours a day), creativity etc. I want to state few of them here. I did NOT mean to saying that I'm more knowledgeable in everything, still these are really funny, and makes us to think again.

  • "Hey, you seem like having good knowledge on health, can you tell any tablet that can make my belly flat?". Probably, he thinks all gyms are filled with dumbos who couldn't get such idea.
  • "If we all become vegetarian, animals can attack the humans". Probably, he is thinking that there are people eating lions, elephants etc in lunch to save human from being invaded.
  • "Fuel like petrol is infinite natural resource".(not the exact sentence but he mean it)
  • After seeing a picture of rats being squeezed on a bottle for weeks of testing tobacco, one guy says "If we do not test those tobaccos on animals, the tobacco consumers might die".
  • If we eat only plant based food, we'll run-out of plants and there won't be enough oxygen". He probably doesn't know what is mass production, that fine. Best part is he thinks all the animals grow just like that without eating any plants.
  • "Lot of jobs will be lost if we all go vegetarian", She refers to jobs of those who slit the thoughts of those innocent. She probably thought all the accountants are automatically promoted as software engineers, those who lost the jobs during Information Technology revolution.
  • "Global warming is a myth", Probably she's hesitating to say that  "Don't know which religion created this myth"
  • "Sea level will rise? why?" He's probably thinking somebody is dropping something on oceans?"
  • "I think around thousand girls are victims of female foeticide every 10 years". Hmm..
  • "My doctor told me if I don't drink milk I'll not get D vitamin", Sad, her doctor doesn't know that Vitamin D is added artificially in to milk. Click here to know more about knowledge of doctors about nutrition 
  • "Cows must get pregnant to give milk??". That stupid question was from me a couple of years back :(

I'll ask one question to you, try answering yourself without Google. What is hen's egg (technically)?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Policy One: Give and Take. Policy Two is insane. Sadly, we all are following second.

Policy One: Give and Take in acceptable manner
In India cows are being treated as GOD for ages (Still in 90% of cases). Hardly there was any mention of abusing them and forget about killing them for food. That is just simple reason, give and take policy. Since we enjoy the benefits of milk (totally natural and organic production) and other milk products, we are giving them the place of GOD and treating them like GOD.

Policy Two: "take Take TAKE and finally Kill" 
This is the policy we are following now. We make sure the cows lead miserable life in factories for sake of pleasuring our taste buds, finally slit their throats and they die in pain struggling for an average two minutes of time. By the way during these two painful minutes about a million animals are killed all around the world (in fact every minute, second, micro second) for the sake of food. For these animal MULTIPLE millions of plants, water and energy, land and other resources have been consumed.

Few of my friends have been asking me why it is not OK to be vegetarian? Why can't we consume milk and milk products? How is cruelty involved in this?

I would like to tell them that it is ok, if you consume milk products from any factory farm or local farm that follows below set of rules

    1. Doesn't slaughter the cows after it becoming old stops giving milk
    2. Doesn't rape cows unnaturally
    3. Doesn't kill the male babies as non profitable
    4. Doesn't torture the cows or cow's babies and leaves them free without cages
    5. Last but NOT least, Does you the manure for organic forming

If you also consider YOUR HEALTH then make sure your supplier follow below rules.
    1. Make sure they do not give hormonal injections to the cows, to make them huge.
    2. Make sure they do not do artificial process to make cow's breast huge to make more milk. This is unnatural and disgusting (you can sense it when you look at them)
    3. Make sure the cheese you are consuming is extract of milk but not something taken from the cow's body.
    4. Make sure cow is fed with natural food such as grass but not crappy chemical based and artificial food.
    5. Make sure they are not pumping anti biotic to the cows.
    6. Make sure the cows are not genetically manipulated.
    7. Make sure cow is given birth artificially, i.e. raping its mother with sperm with hand/injections. (This major percent of cases in factory farming). I personally witnessed the difference between natural birth and this kind of birth. The difference is disgustingly bad.
    8. Last but NOT least, make sure cow lived happily without pain or decease or mental suffering due to separation of her baby or no sexual pleasure (this major percent of cases in factory farming) or anything. A Happy cow gives good milk, a SAD COW gives BAD MILK. To prove this to you, I can give simple example "stress can cause cancer in human".
Watch below video for escape of a brave cow from slaughter to New York City. If WILL SHED SOME TEARS IF YOU HAVE HEART after watching this.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

True Love! Who said it's tough to define?

"Selfless good deed"

Always sounds confusing and contradictory. There was a an episode in famous TV show FRIENDS with very funny scenes with characters Phoebe and Joey about this topic. The episode ends up giving feeling that there is no thing such as selfless good deed in this world ever.

So, If there is no "selfless good deed" then there is no "true love" or unconditional love. Even true love is always contradictory. May be we never encountered a true love ever in our life. May be we have encountered it but we might have not noticed it or we might have not understood it.

One or the other way everybody in the world always in search of "true love" all our life. We always dream for wife/husband with "true love", that is because wife/husband is the one with whom we are going to spend major part of our future.


Materialistic Choice 1 (Sex)
If you want to have better sex life with your partner for longer time,
Then marry an athlete. You may have best possible sex life. You will know it when you observe and try their training and game.

Materialistic Choice 2 (Money)
If you want to spend your life without any financial problems ever,
Then marry a soldier. Because no country ever lives without army.

Materialistic Choice 3 (Romance)

If you want to spend your life with someone who is so romantic and lovable,
Then it is difficult. But here is how to find one such. He/she must be the one who loves his/her parents. If not you can not expect romance and love when you become old. He/she must be good looking, health conscious to maintain youth and beauty for long time, must be very rich without bad habits and so on... 

Immaterial Choice 1 (Peace and Happiness)
If you want to spend your rest of life with peace and happiness,
Then marry a person who is spiritually inclined and confident person with strong belief on "Karma Yoga". Because they will be strong in all tough situations. They will not be demanding and will be forgiving. They will be having less of five evil human emotions lust, rage, greed, attachment, ego. They will be responsible and caring as they believe in Karma.

Immaterial Choice 2 (Caring)
If you want to have lot of caring person for the rest of your life (even when you are very old),
Then marry a person who loves his/her parents so much. Because one can not expect anything from their old parents.

Immaterial Choice 3 (Unconditional Love)

If you want to spend your life with someone who can give unconditional love,
Then marry a vegan who choose to be vegan for saving animals from cruelty and for saving environment and not mainly for health or fitness reasons. You should to know the reason why.

Love for their own parents might not be totally selfless all the times, because that love can also be seen as  thanking their parents and deed of returning the favor for all the life and love that they have received since the birth. 
Love for the planet earth is great too. There might be tiny little selfishness to care for their OWN mother earth and can also be the responsibility of returning the favor that the nature has given us.
Love for the animals is really unconditional love. Going vegan is will surely be saving the animals from cruelty. They have never had taken any favor and can never expect any favor from those animals, In-fact they have never even seen them. Why is it not a selfless good deed?
The vegan and environmental activists are even more noble souls.
Some times they might face the embarrassment and or humiliation from the public. They have to sacrifice their personal interests. They might have to face the aggression from the consumers, business people and politicians. After all the trouble they can never expect in return for what they are doing. Can they?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

When a question sounded really wise and turned out to be stupid

A comment really made me laugh few days back.

There was a news article with title "China to Approve Non-Animal Cosmetics Test"
There was one negative comment over this news from a reader. His comment is
"Animals suffer all the time in the wild, there is no need to try to play god and stop it all. humanity angers me with its ignorance."


Hello Mr. "thisGuy", thanks you made me laugh a lot today.

  • You are saying we can suffer the animals since they are all the time suffered in the wild!!!
  • Women are dominated by men badly and treated as slaved and/or toys in some countries all the time 
  • Kids are abused and are turned into terrorists in some countries all the time
  • Approx 1,369 rapes are committed every day in South Africa all the time

So, according to your logic, is it OK to adopt these cultures as well???????????????????????????????

** In US Approximately 19,011 land animals are killed insanely for meat eating not for every year, not for every month, not for every day, it is for EVERY MINUTE. It is just in United States. Imagine the number in entire world. It is just land animals imagine the number including marine animals all around the world.

Watch this video COMPLETELY to see how far our psychology is correct

Before coming to conclusion please watch complete video and see what they are saying. 

-> You are saying PETA and Vegans trying to play GOD??? We are only trying to be humane and requesting everybody to be humane.

Whatever our argument are meant to be, I'm trying to stop killing someone you are trying to contribute killing someone. See below video and tell me that humans can be called humane or not.

I might sound like an enemy for you but not for me. For me you just remind myself in past just ignorant of some fact.
-> "Humanity angers you with ignorance" spare sometime with patience and see the facts. Stop being narrow minded for a while and open your ears and eyes for a while and get to know where is the ignorance. 
I have been ignorant like all the non-vegans till I get to know these facts.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Doctors?? Think again before seeing them.

What is the greatness about the doctors?

They can resolve the complex health issues of the human body, what ever the decease the human body is suffering from. What is the percent of the doctors doing justice that is another topic. However no one else in the practical world has the better ability than them. That is undeniable fact.

However here is the unnoticed fact, that they are not enough knowledgeable about nutrition facts.

There was a study in United States competing set of randomly selected doctors and randomly picked native common citizens in the nearest localities. The study team has conducted test on knowledge about nutrition for both the teams. Now you guess who scored better in the test. It is surely not the doctors. It is the common men. 

Now don't you see the reason to think again?? Why is nutrition important??

So, What is better than doctor?

Curing yourself from your disease without any superficial power is better than doctors.

So what is better than curing?

Prevention is better than curing. So what is the best way for prevention.

Perfect of decease is possible only with perfect nutrition.

So, make sure your doctor is good at nutrition knowledge, We ourself MUST have basic knowledge or nutrition. If required it is important to see a nutrition specialist.

A doctor prescribing any diet without proper knowledge on nutrition, is nothing but a doctor prescribing poison.

Please watch this video from Nutrition Facts official website

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Super Model for the entire world

Look at the pictures of this guy. He's not a professional bodybuilder, but he's million times better than billions of people in the world. Let us play a quick guess game on him.

How many pounds of meat does he eat per day? How may oz of milk does he take a day? How many boiled or raw eggs does he eat a day?
Guess guess guess
If your guess is greater than zero for any one of the above questions, you are worng
He is a vegan, in fact raw vegan, doesn't eat meat, chicken, eggs not even any kinds of milk products.

Lets guess what's his age
38, 39, 40?
Wrong, wrong wrong
He is 52 year old
So, He must be taking lot of supplements, protein powders? Lets guess what are they
Guess guess guess
Again you are wrong if you are trying to guess. He doesn't take any supplements or protein powders. 

So, He must be taking steroids kind of stuff. What would be his procedure? Lets guess
If you are trying to guess, again you are wrong. He doesn't take any of such nasty stuff.
In fact He doesn't even take cooked food, he depends on raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits, greens etc.

So, He must be really rich under guidance of super duper nutrition specialists, doctors etc etc?
Wrong. He is poor man. He is just a cab driver

So, He must be very healthy by birth?
Wrong, He had faced lots of health problems at middle age and started finding healing techniques, different diets. Had surgeries on his health issues. Finally settled up in vegan, raw vegan diet

So, He must be a meat eater for his life time and must have shifted to raw vegan diet?
No he has been raw vegan for more than ten years and is vegetarian for even longer period.

So friend, get rid of excuses and just go vegan. Let build sustainable world.

If you do not believe what I am saying, watch his video interview on YouTube

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We are still racists, or much much worst than that.

We are still racists, or much much worst than that.

Oppressions take many forms.
In the Story of Australia.
Any eighty year old have witnessed all this.
They  have see what invaders done to protect their right to hang, shoot and kill the natives. We have seen babies of natives ripped from their families to be raised on government supervision to fit in to white society.  They have seen native people's lands are taken.
Later They have seen sorry books circulating
Later Government apologyzed formally for murders and baby stealing.
All this did not happen all of a sudden like people wake up and saying "I'm not recist anymore"

cutting horns of cows, ripping live pig's testicles (we know even touching them little hard pains like hell), ripping off skin for live animal (hard to believe that has been happening). Slaughtering cows, chickens who gave us milk and eggs in THOUSANDS in seconds and BILLIONS in ever year and so on (the list takes an hour to draft the cruelty that has been happening). 
Can anybody let me know why do governments show this discretion?
(Probably some people are unaware of this facts) but why common man's psychology is like their lifestyle is not harming for anybody??? Killing the babies infront of their mothers. Killing the chicken's male babies in one day.. Killing the male calves (cow's male babies) treating as non profitable product. Raping the cows for milk as long as she can deliver.


How is it not the descrition, insanity, oppression, speciesism another form of racism

There are still racists. But we are in control now. The racists, bigots and oppressors may change. No doubt. But even if we can't change their mind, society will continue to become more moral and objectionable to cruelty.

The oppressors only have power if we let them. We demand every cage to be empty. Every cage must be empty.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Satyamev Jayate (Aamir Khan) Episode 2 Child Abuse - Break the Silence

We think we are superior species in the world and behaving like evil abusing children, foeticide, etc etc @#%!@#%^. Please look at the story of 'Harish' in the show, ONLY one with him was his 'dog' when he was suffering. He said his 'dog' always sensed his suffering and wiped his tears with his tounge... Aren't we the evil who's killing millions of animals everyday for our selfishness???

If you do not agree with me, I request you not hurt me with any aggressive/abusive comments, instead please post questions or opinions why you think I'm wrong and justify your meat eating habit. I can answer any question from you.
If you agree with me you can let me know if I can improve this post. However please do not stay neutral.
Watch below videos, surely be eye openers for meat eaters.

Satyamev Jayathe Episode 1 Female Foeticide

I have seen the Aamir Khan's "Satyamev Jayathe" episode last week on Female Foeticide. It is biggest hit I had ever seen in internet from Indian Television. I knew about the seriousness of the issue for longtime. I had mentioned it to few of my friend's who hardly understood the depth of the issue. Lot of activists are working on this issue for years and they could bring least response, but now it suddenly took a big deal. Star power rules!!! About the episode I was really impressed about an activist who changed a village and eliminated that issue. Most shocking and mind blowing thing for me in the story is, judge supporting the criminals "in the court very openly".

I do not know if people find it right to compare this issue with animal rights issue with some of the thought came to mind. No way I meant to say that human rights are less important than animal rights, but I just meant to say that they should given equal or any level of importance. 
  • The animals do have much more attachments and relations compared to the babies.
  • These babies have some intelligence and memory but animals* have lots of intelligence, memory and ability to understand comparatively. See the study of Animal behavior expert Jonathan Balcombe.
  • These babies dying in cores every decade but these animals are dying in cores just in hours.
  • These mothers are loosing female babies* before the delivery, but animals* are suffering even more as the babies are being killed "sometime after" the the delivery of male babies in 99% cases.
  • These babies are not abused in any manner before killing, but these animals are tortured treated like slaves* in and are technically raped* (See with no pleasure of sex.
  • These criminals have not taken any favor from the babies before killing, but from from Cows, Hens and other animals we are taking favor by having milk, eggs, skin etc before killing them.
  • These babies technically have no eyes as they are not used, but these animals do have eyes.
  • These babies are killed for some stupid reason and these animals are killed for few minutes pleasure of our tongues. Please DON'T say that it is for good health. In fact it will kill our health*, read the book "The China Study" on most comprehensive study ever done in the world.
      *are the most cases, 'at least' 90% of the cases.
If you do not agree with me, I request you not hurt me with any aggressive/abusive comments, instead please post questions or opinions why you think I'm wrong and justify your meat eating habit. I can answer any question from you.
If you agree with me you can let me know if I can improve this post. However please do not stay neutral.
Watch below videos, surely be eye openers for meat eaters.


Health, Compassion, Awareness, Environment, Hunger, Phylosophy

I spent three weeks to collect information draft this please read it and give your response and/or inputs

It is most ridiculous thing, if anybody said to you that vegetarians can not have enough protein and nutrition for being athlete or body-builder or model etc. Please check this web site for some of the famous and successful body builders. They are helping everybody/aspiring bodybuilders through this website.

I recently turned vegan and going to gym 6 days a week, I'm getting all the nutrients including protein. I'm covering B12 (which vegans generally miss) too through soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk. I'm reaching 90% of the daily value for each major nutrients as recommended by FDA. Below is my nutrition intake statistics

(Total fat (100%), saturated fat (90%), polyunsaturated fat, mono unsaturated fat, Sodium (80%), Potassium (90%), Carbs (Fiber (150%), Sugars (190%)), Protein (95%), Vitamin A (83%), Vitamin C (200%)), Calcium (183%) and Iron (62%).

  • If you wanted to take lot more than 100% protein daily value. That surely is not a good idea. Too much of any good turns bad. Check pros and cons of protein.
There are close to 10 different categories of protein, and fact is plant based protein powders are comparatively healthier.

  • If you want to gain muscle quickly check your Testosterone levels. There are lot of natural ways to improve T and reduce Estrogen levels.


Believe it of not Mike Tyson, Brad Pitt, Bill Clinton are Vegan

There are huge number of Vegetarian/Vegan famous and greatest Athlets, Film Stars, Entertainers (including porn stars) and Scientists too Some big names are Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, and Benjamin Franklin. You can check below video for big list

Average of 239 chickens killed every SECOND worldwide, that means 7,53,71,04,000 (753 crore plus) per year. Its huge number in USA alone, Check this link for the proof from US government website for statistics from USDA.

Here is the stuff that gave me so many sleepless nights

Cruelty on chickens is unbelievable they are being killed at conscious state. Do you know the almost all male chickens are called unwanted livestock and killed brutally. See this link as proof for the cruelty.
Check this video proof
News on this


Argument about Killing plantsAsk any biologist and always tells you that plants do not have a central nervous system and do not feel pain. No need to ask anybody plants don't have eyeslungs, hearts, kidneys, intestines, ears.
  • Even though we consider that the plants feel pain. Please REMEMBER that In America, 70 to 80 percent of our corn, wheat, oats and soy are fed to the 10 billion land animals who are killed annually. Worldwide, 60 to 70 percent of the plants are fed to 60 billion land animals. So if humans stopped eating flesh, then fewer plants would be harvested.
  • George Bernard Shaw once said: "If you believe absurdities, then you will commit atrocities." When it comes to pain and suffering, the screams, the blood, the writhing, and the fear that animals (and humans) exhibit trump the so called "waves" of plants
  • You SHIT, I SHIT and all the animals SHIT but plants and fruits and seeds doesn't
  • Bury an animal it will die, bury a seed or fruit it will give you a tree
  • People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times.
  • Let 100 people personally watch the entire process of preparing vegetarian food and non-vegetarian food (including animals life, slaughter, pealing the skin etc) and see what percent of them will choose to eat non-vegetarian)
Argument: is it natural to eat meat?
Definitely not! We are biologically herbivores. There are enough proof based on Body structure including Liver, Teeth, Jaw and lot more. The way of chowing are not way compared to Omnivores and Carnivores. Enough scientific proofs.
  • You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a live rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I will give you a benz car and will eat meat.
  • If all the slaughter houses are placed in residential places and are made their walls are made with glasses and the sounds inside are projected with mikes like temples, churches and masjids do there will be less non-vegetarians in the world than murderers. If that's not true I will give you a benz car and will eat meat.


Do you know Anti Biotics and certain kinds of artificial Growth Hormones etc are given to chickens and other animals in meat industry and it is LEGAL??

Check the facts revealed by Nutrition Fact organizations regarding chicken consumption.

Check the clear video of undercover investigation video of production by McDonald's suppliers. You can find similar videos related to KFC and many other. No need to mention small suppliers.

Check New York Times article regarding health concerns related to poultry industry

DO YOU KNOW being vegan can eliminate cholesterol and trans-fat totally and can reduce saturated fat and over all fat consumption?

Strengthening the several studies, a recent study on vegetarians proved that vegetarians have lot less risk of getting Cancer.

People on diets which include animal-based food have been shown to be more likely to have degenerative diseases, including heart disease. According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a report issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a vegetarian diet is associated with lower levels of obesity and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

Vegans were found to have a 40 percent lower risk of developing cataract compared with the biggest meat eaters

SpiritualitySpiritual Quotient is as (I would say more and more) important as Intelligence, and SQ is linked to your diet.

Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Flu Lagoon You know about it.

Preventions & CureSearch for top 10 healthiest goods, and foods that have power of healing. You will only see vegetables, seeds, leaves etc

  • Human beings are the only animals of which I am thoroughly and cravenly afraid. While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth?
    • - Shaw, George Bernard, Nobel prize winner
  • Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.  
    • Albert Einstein, Scientist
  • Deer hunting would be fine sport, if only the deer had guns. 
    • Gilbert, William S.
  • ‎"I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it's animals are treated."
    • M.K. Gandhi
  • "I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race in its gradual improvement to leave of eating animals"
    • David Henry Thoreau
  • Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.
    • Samuel Butler, Note-Books, 1912
  • Truely man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs.  We live by the death of others:  we are burial places!  I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men.
    • Leonardo da Vinci
  • We manage to swallow flesh only because we do not think of the cruel and sinful thing that we do.  Cruelty... is a fundamental sin, and admits of no arguments or nice distinctions.  If only we do not allow our heart to grow callous, it protests against cruelty, is always clearly heard; and yet we go on perpetrating cruelties easily, merrily, all of us - in fact, anyone who does not join in is dubbed a crank.
    • Rabindranath Tagore
  • "There is no fundamental difference between man and the higher ... The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.
    • Charles Darwin
  • "Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures.”
    • Dalai Lama XIV
  • Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
    • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • A veteran USDA meat inspector from Texas describes what he has seen:  "Cattle dragged and choked... knocking 'em four, five, ten times.  Every now and then when they're stunned they come back to life, and they're up there agonizing.  They're supposed to be re-stunned but sometimes they aren't and they'll go through the skinning process alive.  I've worked in four large [slaughterhouses] and a bunch of small ones.  They're all the same.  If people were to see this, they'd probably feel really bad about it.  But in a packing house everybody gets so used to it that it doesn't mean anything." 
    • A Slaughterhouse 1997


WATERDo you know for production of potato it takes 133 units of water and for chicken and takes 7328 liters of water. It liters 37,086 liters for all other animal meat. m³ water/ton crop comparision

Natural ResourcesAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition says, Considering the major threat to future survival and to US natural resources is rapid population growth, However, the meat-based diet requires more energy, land, and water resources than the lactoovoVegetarian diet. In this limited sense, the lactoovoVegetarian diet is more sustainable than the average American meat-based diet.

Green House emissions
FAO (Food & Agriculture organization) says, Industrialized agriculture damages fresh air through greenhouse gas emissions and overuse of fossil fuels. According to Livestock’s Long Shadow, an FAO report, the meat industry contributes about 18 percent of global greenhouse-gas emissions

Particularly meat and dairy products, accounts for 70% of global freshwater consumption, 38% of the total land use and 19% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, says the report, which has been launched to coincide with UN World Environment day on Saturday.

Check below study on how meat industry is affecting Chemical Pollution, Land Use, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Rainforest Depletion

There are statistic about comparisons about energy consumption and vegetarian and non vegetarian cooking too.

Hunger afflicts more than a billion people worldwide, and starvation and hunger-related diseases kill 24,000 people per day, mostly children. That translates into 1 death every 2.5 seconds due to starvation. A major factor in world hunger is the waste of foodstuffs fed to animals raised for food, rather than to starving people. This was first documented in Frances Moore Lappe's 1972 classic Diet for a Small Planet and was reaffirmed at the 2002 World Food Summit in Rome.
A global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change, a UN report said today.

As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable, says the report from United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) international panel of sustainable resource management.

Please spare an hour to listen to the greatest speech by Gary Yourofsky